
Cyan Heart LTD Claimed

Be Brave, Save Lives!

Cyan Heart LTD is an award winning training provider in London. We deliver highest standard training. Our affordable price on courses doesn’t compromise the standard of the courses. We are First Aid Industry Body Registered (FAIB).

Our courses are designed and delivered as per the latest guidance of Health and Safety Executive (HSE) and per the latest guidelines from Resuscitation Council UK. We have years of experience in delivering Basic life support (BLS) and Moving and Handling (patient Handling) training to NHS, where we helped the Moving and handling advisors, Resuscitation officers and Learning and development team to, increase and achieve their compliance rate. We are also helping Care Homes, Nursing Homes, GP practices, Dental practices, private Hospitals and private health clinics etc.

1. Basic Life Support (BLS) training is designed and delivered as per the latest guidelines from the Resuscitation council UK. This training is delivered at professional, friendly and relaxed environment to prepare you for the emergency in a Clinical setting.

2. People Moving and Handling training is designed to meet the HSE guidelines and to meet the Care Quality Commission (CQC) requirements. This training will increase the awareness of own/self back care, posture and how to handle patient safely while keeping patients and staff safe. This training is delivered at professional, friendly and relaxed environment to give you the hands on skills.

We are certified to deliver all the level 3 First Aid at Work qualifications. To act as a First Aider at a workplace (office, companies, warehouse, construction sites, factories, production units, catering industries, supply chains ect) you need to complete one of these courses.

First Aid at Work course (FAW) (delivered over 3 days). This course covers all the possible workplace Medical Emergencies and Basic First Aid treatments.

3. First Aid at Work re-qualification (delivered over 2 days). This course is only for the First Aiders with A FAW certificate which is about to expire soon or just expired. Candidates who succeed on this course will be certified for another 3years.

3. Emergncy First Aid at work course (delivered over one day). This course is ideal for staff who works in low risk environment.

4. Paediatric First Aid at Work (Delivered over 2 days). This course is design to equip the staff with paediatric first aid emergencies in childcare settings as per the ofsted guidelines.

5. Emergency paediatric First Aid (Delivered over one day). This course is design to prepare staff on basic First Aid emergencies in children. This is a ideal course for anyone working with kids, such as school teachers, nursery staffs, child minders, private tuition providers sports Coach ect.

Not only that, we also provide Parent First Aid for the Community. As our Aim is to deliver best quality training for all and share the life saving skills and knowledge to save quality of life. We prepare parents, parents to be and grand parents on how to deal with First Aid emergencies on babies and children while they are under their care (at home on the street, parks ect).

All our courses are designed and delivered in a relaxed, friendly and professional environment to give you necessary hands on skills to prepare you for the emergencies.

Good First Aid knowledge will help save a quality of life not just life.

Be Brave, Save Lives!

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